
LWW chapter 15

1. Now His followers do what they can after the death. Requesting the body, burial, anointing with spices at burial (John 19:39-40), and going to do so again after the Sabbath (Mark 16:1). Susan and Lu are Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, of Matthew 27:61.

2. The big event begins “very early in the morning.” At daybreak, salvation comes. See Isaiah 60:1-2 for one of many allusions to salvation as light streaming in.

3. The Stone Table cracks. Not out of anger at the Israelites worshiping a Golden Calf, but because the curses of the Old Covenant have been overcome (Galatians 3:23-25).

4. They hear a great voice behind them, as John did (Rev 1:10).

5. They wonder if it’s a ghost, and get physical confirmation to the contrary (Luke 24:37-43).

6. Aslan explains the Scriptures to them, the deeper magic, the “different incantation,” “that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor’s stead, the Table would crack, and Death itself would start working backwards.” START working backwards: 1 Cor 15:20).

7. Beautiful picture of children playing on the very Table instrument of death. Where, O death, is your victory/sting? It’s so harmless, a child can play on it (Isaiah 11:8).

8. Aslan then storms the witch’s castle. The gates of hell won’t prevail against Him.

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